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AGM meeting was conducted on 30th November 2021. The activities of the event are given below.

Due to the Covid 19 situation and inconvenience, the AGM for the year 2020-21 was conducted virtually via video call. Additional Director Vishnu Kalpamangalam was the MC of the meeting. Meeting started with introductory talk by Vishnu in which he welcomed all the valued shareholders and other Directors. It was followed by the explanation of Financial Report 2020-21 by CFO,Nebil Divay in which the assets, sales and financial assets of the company were explained to the shareholders. It included the briefing of profit and loss statement, assets and liabilities and the sales report of the company.

Next, COO Arun MS talked about the existing problems and challenges faced by the company. He explained about the effects of Covid 2 nd wave on markets,
Shift in work culture to WFH mode, and Increasing raw material cost.

It was followed by Additional Director Vipin Dev who explained in detail about the immediate and future plans of the company. He gave insights into the growing frozen food industry in India, scope of restaurant consultancy in Kerala and increasing demand for ready to eat products.

After that, Siddharth Mohan, CEO read the much awaited Activity Report and threw light on the key events since company’s inseption in 2020 June. His presentation briefed about the sales reopening after Covid lockdown, inauguration of 4 new outlets in Trivandrum, and subsequent Covid second wave scenarios.

Vishnu Kalpamangalam gave the vote of thanks and conveyed gratefulness to the shareholder for supporting and being part of the company.

Next, Vishnu and Vipin Dev were appointed Directors by CEO Siddhrath with the consent and in the virtual presence of shareholders.

Both of them shared their aspirations for the company and briefed about how they can contribute towards the vision of the company.

It was followed by a QnA session for shareholders in which many shareholders had their doubts cleared and discussed about the upcoming plans.

Director Vishnu Kalpamangalam gave the vote of thanks and conveyed gratefulness to the shareholder for supporting and being part of the company. He concluded the meeting with hopes of having a in-person meeting in the future and our aspirations of growth and success.

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